Amplifying Voices for Environmental and Social Justice

Increasing the participation and leadership of Latinos in the Columbia River Gorge through leadership development and civic engagement.

Leadership and Community Journalism Trainings

One of the objectives of Comunidades is to develop Latino leaders and raise voices on the front lines committed to the issues that affect their lives: toxic pollution, pesticides, health equity, access to housing, workers' rights, racial discrimination and social justice.

Community Journalism

Through training, Spanish-speaking participants learn and practice methods of disseminating information to their local communities.

Leadership Development

The courses provides participants with tools to identify community assets, group management, meeting management, conflict management, and the balance between discussion and action.

Civic Engagement

Our Civic Engagement Training will detail to participants the various forms of civic engagement and action items in their cities and counties.

Community Journalism Project

Voces del Noroeste

Community members throughout rural Oregon and Washington were trained to be part of "Voices from the Northwest," a new news source to spread vital information to their communities.

REThOS - Binational Conversations
Monday 6 PM - 7 PM

Voces del Noroeste - Northwest Local News
Tuesday 6:30 PM

Voces de Ellas - Northwest News from a Woman's Perspective
Thursday 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

About Comunidades

We wish to Create a Healthy Environment and a Community Free of Social Injustice and Racism

Communities recognizes that ecological problems expand and converge with the social injustices that our communities have experienced.
This includes:

  • Toxic Pollution

  • Health Equity

  • Access Affordable Housing

  • Worker’s Rights

  • Racial Discrimination

  • Social Justice

Established in 2018

We are members of the community working for the community

For the community

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