Comunidades Celebrates the Working Women of the Columbia Gorge

On Saturday, March 11th, Comunidades hosted its second annual International Women's Day event themed Essential Women of the Gorge. The event started with a morning workshop where about 20 women learned to make essential oils and received energy healing fromTherapist Anjuli Shah-Johnson. Later in the day, around 150 Latino women throughout the Columbia Gorge gathered for an evening of companionship and empowerment at the event center in The Society Hotel in Bingen, WA. 

The women enjoyed a delicious dinner by Lake Taco and after dinner heard from  Comunidades’ Director Ubaldo Hernández who thanked the women attending the event and emphasized the importance of their role in society and in the community. An honor was additionally given to community member Elda Dorado to highlight  the work she has done with the Latino community of the Gorge. She received a certificate of appreciation, flowers and gift cards from Comunidades and The Society Hotel. Finally, the women were able to participate in a self-care training with therapist and musician Claudia Cuentas who brought a dynamic and emotional workshop. The participants left the event happy and took with them a rose, a piece of incense called Palo Santo and a $50 gift card. 

Comunidades appreciates the help of their volunteers (most of them the spouses of the women attending) who arranged the event room to accommodate the guests, welcomed and guided the women to get their food and sitting and cleaned up after the meeting. Comunidades wants to continue offering this type of event to our working women of the Gorge every year, who usually don't have access to accessible and free workshops to promote wellbeing and empowerment.


Comunidades commemorates The International Immigrant Day